Get inspired by an awesome collection of 31 poi and staff performances. 90 minutes video material of different artists from all over the world, styles, choreographies, locations.
Ninaruna, Austria
Circumstantial Evidence - Pyroptix, Australia
Flare Shadow, Japan
Elias on Fire, Canada
Eastbourne Festival of Fire 2006 - Highlights, England
Planet Zips, Philippines
Crazy Conflagrabion, Australia
The Story of the Lake, Northern Ireland
Dragons Dream, New Zealand
One Wheel Dave, England
The Amazing Rubber Heart Duo, Finland
Blend, USA
Robert Bruce, Canada
Chicago Streets, USA
Faisca, Philippines
Instruments of the Now, USA
Fire Groove, USA
Fire Sisters...but different, Canada
KFire presents "Arachne", USA
The Dance of the Three, USA
Clayton Allred spinning staff in Saltlake city, USA
Fire Storm, USA
Shakuru, Australia
Masara in Daiba, Japan


Rope Dart, Australia
Firelight, USA
Infinitos, Czech Republic
Dee D'Caro, USA
Phoenix - Fire Project, Germany
Arsn, Australia
- Video Length: approx. 90 Minutes
- Playable in all zones (code-free)
- Picture Format: NTSC